Urgent Care

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Don't Care That You're Reading This

I'm listening to Bush right now.

The Song: Swallowed

Feelings: A little embarrased but I really don't care.

I still know the lyrics.

Feelings: A little embarrased but I really don't care I said.

I'm feeling nostalgic. I'm taken back to 9th grade English class, wearing my Razorblade suitcase shirt with green courd pants and black boots.

Man I was a dork.

That year I met Brett Kasden though. Only thing good to come out of my one year at Silverado High. I went from Honor Roll to barely passing my freshman year. My G.P.A plummeted from a 3.6 to a 1.0 I believe. I ditched school, smoked some pot, drank a few times during my alternating ditch shifts. We could have 18 absences per semester; thats 36 half days in 2 quarters. Which meant 72 half days all year. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

I was bitter at my mom. She moved me to the other side of the city where I didn't know anyone and didn't care to know anyone. Everyone I cared about went to Vegas and that's where I wanted to be. It sucks that I felt like messing up my grades and skipping classes was going to teach my mom a lesson, cause when I finally graduated from Vegas 3 years later, I got screwed out of the Nevada Scholorship by .03 points. I think that you needed a 2.95 and I had a 2.93. Apparently the honors classes that I had my freshman year weighed more on my G.P.A then regular classes. So even though when I transfered to Vegas and worked my way back onto the Honor Roll list the first quarter and received Straight A's all of my Senior year, that 1st year at Silverado just f'd everything up for me. I don't even think my mom noticed what happened too. Thats the ironic part of it all.

Oh well, she meant well. She was a single mom trying to make things easier for us and herself.

I hated college anyway.

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