Urgent Care

Monday, February 16, 2009

Staging Allegiant Flight 425 Service to Las Vegas

Staging a flight is what the ground crew does right before the plane lands and taxis into a gate. It's setting up cones, driving out the tugs and the belt loaders to get them ready to work the incoming flight.

Tonight, I decided that I wanted to work one of our Charter flights that flies in twice a week with the ground crew outside as opposed to being the gate agent, who boards inside. I've never done this before. So 15 minuets before flight 424 lands, I ask Bob if I could tag along with him so he could show me the ropes. It went a little something like this...

"Hey Bob, do you mind if I follow you around for Allegiant?" -Me

"I don't care, I'm just gonna go get the carts, I'll be in the back in just a minute." -Bob

"Well, can I go with you?" -Me

"Oh yeah." -Bob

Here he kinda chuckles all the way to the bag room where we park the bag carts and opens the door for me.

So we're driving these carts over to an area where we keep the cones and parking chalks for Allegiants planes. He stops and reaches between my legs...

"lets me just go between your legs..." -Bob
He pulls the parking break, which is actually between my legs. The tugs are really small.

"Alright! So we need some of these. (cones)" -Bob

"How many?" -Me

"I don't know...4. And all of these. (chalks)" and he throws them in the back. "I suppose they're gonna want ice."

"Oh yeah. How many?" -Me

"I don't know...4." -Bob

Moments later we're back in the tugs and we're driving to gate 2.

"So how do you know where to put this stuff? (cones and chalks)" -Me

"Lets see... there's a drain around here somewhere... ah! There it is. Ok. There's the drain so lets put these... right.... here!" He just picks some random place. "Close enough. Now these other ones...." We're driving on the ramp to the opposite side of where we just placed the cones at this point. "go somewhere by a red line...hmmm.... wait... this isn't right."

"It looks really far away. Is this right? I think it should be closer to that line way over there." -Me

"Yeah, you're right! This other line threw me off." So we get a bit closer to said line. "Ok, I think these go... here!" He puts the chalks and cones down. He then looks over at the other set of cones and chalk that he originally put down. "Wow, those are way off." He gets back in the tug.

I laugh and ask, "is this gonna be ok?"

He answers, "I don't know... oh well." He drives to the front of the line and puts the last cone down off to the side. "We'll put this one right here."

I'm laughing, "Sure why not?"

So... the point is... it is never a dull moment if you're with Bob, the plane made it to Vegas and I still don't know how to stage an Allegiant flight. LOL. I guess you just had to be there.

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Heaven Holds Me

I declare victory over all that is against me. Everything that is against my family, whether it be a person, a disease, an illness, a thought, past or future actions taken to bring destruction. I declare victory won over my own mind. I declare it won in His name.


The more I seek You, the more I find You. The more I find You, the more I love you. I want to sit at your feet, drink from the cup in your hand, lay down against You and breathe, and feel your heart beat. This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand, I melt in Your peace, it's overwhelming.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dancing With Jesus

I had this beautiful moment tonight, on Valentines Day, where Jesus came and said, "Daughter, dance with me."

He took my hand and wrapped His arms around me. I felt safe and comforted. I embraced His loving hold as we danced slowly around in circles. I rested my head on His chest and He squeezed me a bit tighter. I smiled and looked up into His beautiful eyes, He smiled back.

"Why do you love me?" I asked.

And without hesitation He answered, "Because I made you. You are so beautiful and you will forever be perfect in My light and in My eyes."

I started to cry, knowing that I didn't deserve such a quick and genuine response.

He then smiled and said, "No child. Don't cry." He twirled me around, "Laugh with me, I love to see you laugh."

And so we did and continued with our dance.

I have asked this same questions so many times. Actually, it's more rhetorical. I'm really asking myself, why does this person love me. I have never been FULLY satisfied with anyone's answer. Not because I don't believe them, but just because I don't agree with their response, even though I feel their love and truth behind their answers.

For the first time ever I felt completly satisfied. When I asked Jesus tonight, He really knew. He didn't have to think about it. No. It was very matter of fact actually. Like that was always the way it has been, is and will forever be.

It was the best Valentine's Day I have ever had.

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