Jesus and His Puppet Show
There's this patch of grass between the Gonda and Plummer buildings downtown. If you lay down with your head on the South side of that patch and look up, you will see the different architectural difference of both buildings. Modern versus historic. I encourage everyone to lay in that patch sometime on a nice day and get lost in the individual tiles and statutes to the right and then transport to the present with the hard cement building on the left. Both beautiful in their times.
This isn't about the design of buildings though. It is a blog of what goes on in those buildings and why being in the center of that patch is so powerful once you realize what is going on around you.
I woke up one Sunday morning and God kept trying to lure me to said patch and I kept telling him to stop. It was early and I had a long day planned with Jade. The sky was clear but it was really windy and the windchill had to be 40 maybe. For hours God kept nudging me. I couldn't ignore him any longer and I said, "FINE GOD!" and got the family to get ready to go out with me. The whole time I'm getting ready I remember being a little grumpy and curious about what He wanted to show me. Sometimes I see Jesus like this really persistent kid who's just so excited to show me something He created. Like when Jade wants me to get off of Facebook to watch her puppet show. It's always really frustrating to stop what you're doing and always, always, worth it. This day was no different. Plus it's God and I really should just do what He says.
Pray for the sick. Pray for the healthy that are here helping those who just got word that they have Cancer. Pray for the Doctors that have to tell wives that their husbands are about to die, pray for the nurses that watch as someone gets more and more ill and watch their loved ones slowly detach themselves from the world outside of their heartache . Pray for the babies being born across the street and the mothers and fathers who's lives are about to change forever. Rejoice in the news that someone is going to be okay finally or that a young doctor just passed their boards. Pray for those who come from all over the world to be seen by the best with so much hope. Pray for people. And be thankful. And so I did.
So much pain and happiness happens in that block. Death, life, mourning, celebration, rejection, acceptance all around that little patch of grass. When I sat there and thought of the people in those buildings and the hardships that they face, and the challenges they overcome, I was blasted by the Spirit and filled with love and compassion for them. For people. Not only at Mayo but everywhere. Jesus was there and he wanted to show me what He sees and what He feels. I understand why He loves us and I know His love is genuine. I can't imagine being in His position and seeing and feeling everything that His children go through everyday. I'm so so glad that He is a personable God that fights for what is best for us...if we just ask. So let's pray for more people to ask.
And next time you're having lunch downtown, go to that patch. You won't regret it.